About me
Come and experience what craniosacral biodynamic therapy can bring to your life
Craniosacral practitioner, BCST
2023 Marcela Lobos, 13 Moons of Wisdom (5-week course of Chilean shaman teachings)
2019-2022 Training in Craniosacral Biodynamic Therapy, ICSB International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing (icsb.ch), international degree BCST, Switzerland
2021 Reflexology I, II lead by Eva Marie Horáková: Reflexology I (musculoskeletal system), Reflexology II (internal systems of the body), evamariehorakova.cz
2020 School of Reflexology, Július Pataky a Beáta Patakyová (www.patakyovi.cz)
2015-2016 course "The Grail of the Sacred Famine I, II" lead by Karaimi (Kateřina Motyčková)
2014-2015 School of Self-knowledge of Pavel Špatenka (jogasebepoznani.cz)
2011-2012 School of Self-knowledge of Petra Poloková (petra-polokova.webnode.cz)
2003 Internship abroad, study of Social Policy, Falun, Dalarna University (du.se)
1998-2004 Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, master degree in international relations-politology (fsv.cuni.cz)